(CNN) – A group of protesters disrupted a Rick Santorum campaign rally in Tacoma, Washington, on Monday, prompting the presidential hopeful to brand it as a “radical element” that represents “true intolerance.”
After Santorum was introduced to raucous applause, the protestors launched into the Occupy movement’s traditional “mic check, mic check” call. After hearing that, the conservative crowd attempted to shout down the Occupy protestors with chants of “U.S.A., U.S.A.”“Isn’t this a great country? I love this,” Santorum said as the shouting match played out in front of him. “This is the one reason I love doing outside events open to the public because you get a chance to hear from everybody.”
That genial Santorum, though, shortly gave way to a more confrontational Santorum when the protestors continued.
“They don't want to hear what the other side has to say. Why? Because if they have a reasonable, rational discussion, they can’t be successful,” Santorum said over the shouting protestors.
Some of the protestors were then taken to the ground and placed in handcuffs by police, who then led them out of the event. Tacoma Police confirmed that three protestors were arrested, two for disorderly conduct and one for assault.
With the protestors gone, Santorum addressed what has just happened.
“I think it's really important for you to understand what this, what this radical element represents, because what they represent is true intolerance,” Santorum said.
Though later in the speech Santorum focused on other issues, the protestors loomed large over for former Pennsylvania senator’s speech.
“Barack Obama has sided with the 99 versus 1,” Santorum said. “He supported this movement - this movement that is intolerant and disrespectful. He supported them and embraced them.”
After wins in Colorado, Missouri and Minnesota, recent polls have Santorum running even with former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney. The race for the Republican presidential nomination continues on February 28 in Arizona and Michigan.
CNN's Chris Welch contributed to this report.
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